Friday, 18 July 2014

Emotional Overeating

What is Emotional Overeating?
Emotional Overeating is a condition in which your desire to consume food is linked to your emotional state.  You turn to food in difficult times and lose control of how much you eat.

Could you be an Emotional Overeater?
Do you eat more than you would like?Do you turn to food at times of stress?Have you tried a number of different diets, which have all, ultimately failed to help?Are you ashamed of your own body?

If you can not categorically answer NO to all these questions then you may be suffering from an
Emotional Overeating Disorder.

Where can you get help?

There are specialists working to help people overcome Emotional Overeating.
Kimberley Warwick has an Emotional Overeating Disorder herself, and has it under control, so she can help you do the same.

Kimberley has some answers as to why people can’t or won’t change their behaviour to improve their health
There is a reason why people overeat. Together you will identify the individual reason why you turn to food and lose control. Once you understand the reasons you can work to find coping strategies.

There is no cure for this condition but with expert help and support, Emotional Overeating can be kept under control.

Want to know more?

Kimberley practises at The Studio Warwick and by Skype across the UK.
She offers telephone consultations and email support.
Get in touch with her, or ask me to put you in touch.

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